Style Icon: Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani: Mixing Tracks for New Album! - gwen-stefani Photo


What can I say, Gwen and I go way back. :)
Ever since I discovered her from No Doubt
back in the 90's, I've been smitten with her ever since.

I've followed her through her journey as
front woman of No Doubt,
and then eventually going on to her solo career.
Now she's married with 2 kids,
has her own clothing line,
AND kids clothing line,
(which I LOVE and get for my little girls!)

I admire her for her quirky style,
and especially the effortless, edgy look that she has
while being photographed off the red carpet.

Did I mention Gwen is 41?!?!
Freakin' 41 years old.
She looks GREAT.

She is my inspiration and
she is a total bad ass.
I hope to be as bad ass as her one day. :)

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